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By October 12, 20142 Comments2 min read

Just the other day I met a wonderful lady who told me how much she enjoyed my blog. I was surprised and then I realized that one never knows who is reading the gibberish that they write. She said that she truly enjoyed following my progress on After the Funeral-1943. Upon hearing that, I thought I might take the plunge and step out with another project in progress.

It will not be easy for me and just know that it WILL change as time goes on. At the bottom of my well of fear is that someone may judge the unfinished project as a mess. It’s true it is always a mess until it is finished. Maybe I am afraid someone will go away at the half way point and never know how beautiful it turned out. or maybe???????????? Now is a good time to stop my rant.

Today, I throw caution to the wind and post my latest work in progress. I don’t have a title yet but hopefully I will be inspired with one soon. Please write something so I will know what you think. I love knowing what other people think.

The lips were the hardest part so far, although I have found that if I don’t set the eyes just right You can loose the whole likeness.
Don’t forget to write something.


  • Dee J. says:

    Hi Aisha,
    I write because I do portrait quilts too and looking at the one you are working on, I see you have captured something of the personality of this woman. Knowing how difficult it is to get the likeness one wishes for, I encourage you to keep going. Haven't you found that sometimes it all comes together in the end or with one final modification or so. Your lady is looking good. Dolores

  • aisha says:

    Thank you so much Dolores. Yes I find it is not until the very end that really all comes together. At first I was so worried that she may not look like she is smiling but it seems that her smile and humor comes through and that made me happy. Thanks again